Seaplane Trip


Experience a breathtaking view of the unique Underwater Waterfall and other spots such as Maconde, Gris Gris, Île aux Cerfs.The seaplane has two seats: one for the pilot and one for the passenger.


Tour Details

Two Options:

Single: One seaplane at a time.

Duo: Two seaplanes flying side by side.

Flight Durations:

15 minutes: EUR 149 per person (Single).

25 minutes: EUR 205 per person (Single).

40 minutes: EUR 299 per person (Single).

80 minutes: EUR 520 per person (Single).

For Duo flights:

15 minutes: EUR 348.

25 minutes: EUR 460.

40 minutes: EUR 648.

80 minutes: EUR 1090.

Additional information

Flight Durations ( Per Person )

None, 15 minutes, 25 minutes, 40 minutes, 80 minutes

Flight Durations ( For Duo flights )

None, 15 minutes, 25 minutes, 40 minutes, 80 minutes


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